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Broadcast your podcast on the web with Podinstall


Podinstall is the simplest solution to publish your podcast on the web, thanks to a fantastic web application.

Our goal was to rethink and enhance the Podinstall experience.



  • User experience and interface design

  • 2021

  • Done remotely from Tokyo, Nantes and Munich


Podinstall is a white mark service for podcast publishers. Each publisher has a dedicated platform where listeners can listen to all their content. This platform also includes recommendations, promotion and monetisation.

So what were the main challenges we needed to consider?

  • Podinstall is white marked and customisable (colours, fonts and URL). We needed a way to easily include each publisher's brand into the interface without losing legibility and style.

  • The interface should be fully adaptable to mobile and desktop uses.

  • There are two types of publishers to consider: paying ones (big companies with multiple podcasts) and non-paying ones (small podcasts). The first ones can customise Podinstall; the other can’t.

  • Flows and interfaces should be generally shared between Paid and Unpaid clients.

  • End-users should be able to do a few actions like share, be notified, and subscribe.




Ideations &
design solutions

The project started as a redesign of the subscription flow only. But we had so many ideas that we decided to change the scope and go bigger!

Before this project, I had no experience designing audio and podcast experiences. Hell, I wasn't even a podcast listener. My first main task was to research how it is done elsewhere. I looked closely at podcast apps, focusing on flows and tiny details. Because even with a progressive web app, we needed to communicate with our users in the languages they already know. So this meant looking at big applications like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and Breaker and learning from them.


Choices and concepts

  • White mark management

    Adapt the interface with a primary colour, a logo and a font chosen by the publisher.

  • Each podcast has its own identity

    In addition to using the brand colour, each podcast section uses the cover as background, making each podcast unique.

  • User drawers on mobile

    I decided on using drawers to display options, notifications and messages.

  • Tiny cool features

    Show the next episode at the end of a play.
    Highlight the last three podcasts.
    Cool animations
    Contrasted mini-player


Design solutions


Takeaways & next steps

This project was definitely a good challenge. We are currently rolling out all Podinstall clients to this new experience (Eurosport, Elle…).
We have a few topics coming to improve some areas (embed player, text to speech).



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